Yale Bertolucci - Executive Consultant, Organizer, Fund Raiser for10K/5K
Run/Walk for Peace Coordinator produced by Lakeport Main Street
Carole Brookins - Former U. S. Executive of World Bank, international economic and political consultant -- my New York friend who calls late at night and offers advice and counsel; understands life's vagaries and forges ahead relentlessly to create heaven!
Voris Brumfield – Certified Lay Pastor, First United Methodist Church – Middletown, CA; former Lake County Supervisor; and former President of Lake County Repertory Theatre, now the Lake County Theatre Company (LCTC); lover of life, family and God, and free supporter.
Andi Chantri - CEO, Konocti Vista Casino and Resorts and his splendid staff: Robert, Barbara, Carol and so many others! - A generous establishment with creative ideas and resources!
Gary Dickson – Publisher, Lake County Record-Bee. Oh, how I miss Gary! Such a good friend!
Carol Dobusch – Advisor and Referrals; President – Lake County Arts Council (LCAC); Theatre devotee and Director of many productions (including Lake County Theatre Company (LCTC) - Volunteer for Summer of Peace Kelseyville Area Chair; Recommended Peace Wall as seen in her favorite other place, Ashland, Oregon.
Catherine Elias - KPFZ 88.1 - former radio personality and loving supporter
Gloria Flaherty – Executive Director, Lake Family Resource Center (LCFR) Fiscal Agent for the Lake County Summer of Peace.
Suna Flores – Writer, Director, Producer - Lake County Theatre Company (LCTC) and Lake County Live (Soper-Reese Community Theatre); Writer/Director: "Congress: You're Fired!" -- An original musical comedy for peace in association with and benefittting Senior Center Dinner Theatres of Lakeport, Clearlake, Lucerne
Melissa Fulton – CEO, Lake County Chamber of Commerce - Wise Counselor!
Richard Gilmore - Former Publisher of Sonoma County Wine Report, Financial Advisor, Accountant and Real Estate Agent. Trouper of the world!
Lynn Green – Writer/Producer; wise, spiritual friend there for the Lake County Summer of Peace!
Carol Hays - Executive Director, Lakeport Main Street, producers for
10K/5K Run/Walk Fundraiser
Wally Holbrook – Superintendent, Lake County Office of Education (LCOE)
Deborah Howdyshell - Consultant/Event Coordinator/Special Projects (Real Estate,Veterans, Wineries, Events)
Ann Hubbard - Violinist - Lake County Symphony Orchestra - Event Categories
Claudia Listman - Professional Singer/Actress ad Musician, Choral Director of the Divas, a chorale of female vocalists who sing Renaissance and other sacred music.
Richard Knoll - Lakeport Development Director; Lakeport Diamonds band(drummer); Consultant re Boy Scouts of America - Generous and heartful advisor and supporter!
Joey Luiz – Mayor/Clearlake City Council – former Marketing Director, Shannon Ridge Winery
Bill MacDougall - Retiring Superintendent of Konocti Unified School District; President of the new Boys and Girls Club in Clearlake.
Allen Markowski - Videographer - Documentarian "The Making of...the
Summer of Peace"; clips for Channel/Numerologist - Spiritual Philosopher
Judy Morgan - Director - Senior Peer Counseling - Advisor/Initial Executive Committee
David Neft - Owner, Neft and Neft Real Estate – Musician/keyboard artist
Nils Palsson – Founder/Director, Transition Lake County (TLC)
Carol Prather – President, Konocti Study Club - Unbelievably creative and intelligent flagmaker of 200 yards of peace flags! Creator of Peace Flags, purportedly to be sewn by Lake County Quilters but stitched and hung by Carol will see these festive flags on the opening day, June 22,2012 at 4:00 pm in Lakeport's Library Park; and 7 pm in Clearlake's Austin Park.
Deb Puterbaugh – Interior Designer; Director/Consultant – Feminine Studies and Birthing Center - busiest mom and grandmother in Lake County and heart supporter!
Anna Rose Ravenwoode - Grant Writer/Advisor - Green Party Candidate, Horse Owner/Horse Council Member
JoAnn Saccato - Founder-Director Lake County Community Co-op (LCCC)
Margaret Silveira - Lakeport City Manager - Lakeport Rotary Club; aren't we lucky to have her during this economic challenge! So open, creative and competent!
Andi Skelton - Lake County Symphony Orchestra Concert Mistress - Advisor with David Neft of Summer of Peace Opening and Closing Ceremonies
Janet Taylor - The cookie lady, who also leaves fresh vegetables, breads and other nourishment on our doorstep, never letting anyone go hungry or uncared for, and supplies information, advice and emotional support as needed!
Shannon Tolson - Director -2nd Sunday Cinema - Writer - a heart full of care
Nancy and Johnny Griffin - Lakeport/San Francisco Dogtown Rescue - Excellent friends and supporters!
Andre Williams - Vocalist/Songwriter - Two world tours with M.C. Hammer - Developer and Producer; Owner/Headliner of Silk's Bar and Club Entertainment - Clearlake.
Run/Walk for Peace Coordinator produced by Lakeport Main Street
Carole Brookins - Former U. S. Executive of World Bank, international economic and political consultant -- my New York friend who calls late at night and offers advice and counsel; understands life's vagaries and forges ahead relentlessly to create heaven!
Voris Brumfield – Certified Lay Pastor, First United Methodist Church – Middletown, CA; former Lake County Supervisor; and former President of Lake County Repertory Theatre, now the Lake County Theatre Company (LCTC); lover of life, family and God, and free supporter.
Andi Chantri - CEO, Konocti Vista Casino and Resorts and his splendid staff: Robert, Barbara, Carol and so many others! - A generous establishment with creative ideas and resources!
Gary Dickson – Publisher, Lake County Record-Bee. Oh, how I miss Gary! Such a good friend!
Carol Dobusch – Advisor and Referrals; President – Lake County Arts Council (LCAC); Theatre devotee and Director of many productions (including Lake County Theatre Company (LCTC) - Volunteer for Summer of Peace Kelseyville Area Chair; Recommended Peace Wall as seen in her favorite other place, Ashland, Oregon.
Catherine Elias - KPFZ 88.1 - former radio personality and loving supporter
Gloria Flaherty – Executive Director, Lake Family Resource Center (LCFR) Fiscal Agent for the Lake County Summer of Peace.
Suna Flores – Writer, Director, Producer - Lake County Theatre Company (LCTC) and Lake County Live (Soper-Reese Community Theatre); Writer/Director: "Congress: You're Fired!" -- An original musical comedy for peace in association with and benefittting Senior Center Dinner Theatres of Lakeport, Clearlake, Lucerne
Melissa Fulton – CEO, Lake County Chamber of Commerce - Wise Counselor!
Richard Gilmore - Former Publisher of Sonoma County Wine Report, Financial Advisor, Accountant and Real Estate Agent. Trouper of the world!
Lynn Green – Writer/Producer; wise, spiritual friend there for the Lake County Summer of Peace!
Carol Hays - Executive Director, Lakeport Main Street, producers for
10K/5K Run/Walk Fundraiser
Wally Holbrook – Superintendent, Lake County Office of Education (LCOE)
Deborah Howdyshell - Consultant/Event Coordinator/Special Projects (Real Estate,Veterans, Wineries, Events)
Ann Hubbard - Violinist - Lake County Symphony Orchestra - Event Categories
Claudia Listman - Professional Singer/Actress ad Musician, Choral Director of the Divas, a chorale of female vocalists who sing Renaissance and other sacred music.
Richard Knoll - Lakeport Development Director; Lakeport Diamonds band(drummer); Consultant re Boy Scouts of America - Generous and heartful advisor and supporter!
Joey Luiz – Mayor/Clearlake City Council – former Marketing Director, Shannon Ridge Winery
Bill MacDougall - Retiring Superintendent of Konocti Unified School District; President of the new Boys and Girls Club in Clearlake.
Allen Markowski - Videographer - Documentarian "The Making of...the
Summer of Peace"; clips for Channel/Numerologist - Spiritual Philosopher
Judy Morgan - Director - Senior Peer Counseling - Advisor/Initial Executive Committee
David Neft - Owner, Neft and Neft Real Estate – Musician/keyboard artist
Nils Palsson – Founder/Director, Transition Lake County (TLC)
Carol Prather – President, Konocti Study Club - Unbelievably creative and intelligent flagmaker of 200 yards of peace flags! Creator of Peace Flags, purportedly to be sewn by Lake County Quilters but stitched and hung by Carol will see these festive flags on the opening day, June 22,2012 at 4:00 pm in Lakeport's Library Park; and 7 pm in Clearlake's Austin Park.
Deb Puterbaugh – Interior Designer; Director/Consultant – Feminine Studies and Birthing Center - busiest mom and grandmother in Lake County and heart supporter!
Anna Rose Ravenwoode - Grant Writer/Advisor - Green Party Candidate, Horse Owner/Horse Council Member
JoAnn Saccato - Founder-Director Lake County Community Co-op (LCCC)
Margaret Silveira - Lakeport City Manager - Lakeport Rotary Club; aren't we lucky to have her during this economic challenge! So open, creative and competent!
Andi Skelton - Lake County Symphony Orchestra Concert Mistress - Advisor with David Neft of Summer of Peace Opening and Closing Ceremonies
Janet Taylor - The cookie lady, who also leaves fresh vegetables, breads and other nourishment on our doorstep, never letting anyone go hungry or uncared for, and supplies information, advice and emotional support as needed!
Shannon Tolson - Director -2nd Sunday Cinema - Writer - a heart full of care
Nancy and Johnny Griffin - Lakeport/San Francisco Dogtown Rescue - Excellent friends and supporters!
Andre Williams - Vocalist/Songwriter - Two world tours with M.C. Hammer - Developer and Producer; Owner/Headliner of Silk's Bar and Club Entertainment - Clearlake.
Taira St. John, Ph.D.,M.F.T. - Founder, Executive Director, Event Coordinator
Bob Sprouse - Creative Consultant and Advisor, Website Designer/Webmaster/Database Manager,
Lisa Fronsman - Director of Finance and Operations - Lake County Family Resource Center (LFRC).
Randy Djernes - Sponsor, Consultant - Vice-President, Research and Development - PSI World Seminars. Great ideas!
Wanda Harris - Democratic National Committee Chair; community organizer.
Phyllis Wendorf - Concert Production Manager/Conceptualizer/Promoter/Fund Raiser/ Enthusiasm personified!
Olga Martin-Steele - Consultant, KPFZ 88.1 fm Radio Host
Dallas Gouldberg - Consutant - Owner - Golden Pear Spa
Loretta McCarthy - Executive Advisor; Calendar Events/Special Projects/Women's Programs
Cindy Strong - Owner, The Salon at High Street - President, Lake County
Theatre Company (LCTC); Eye for excellent financial and creative management.
Barbara Morris - Co-Owner/Manager, Park Place Restaurant, Executive Advisor.
Bob Sprouse - Creative Consultant and Advisor, Website Designer/Webmaster/Database Manager,
Lisa Fronsman - Director of Finance and Operations - Lake County Family Resource Center (LFRC).
Randy Djernes - Sponsor, Consultant - Vice-President, Research and Development - PSI World Seminars. Great ideas!
Wanda Harris - Democratic National Committee Chair; community organizer.
Phyllis Wendorf - Concert Production Manager/Conceptualizer/Promoter/Fund Raiser/ Enthusiasm personified!
Olga Martin-Steele - Consultant, KPFZ 88.1 fm Radio Host
Dallas Gouldberg - Consutant - Owner - Golden Pear Spa
Loretta McCarthy - Executive Advisor; Calendar Events/Special Projects/Women's Programs
Cindy Strong - Owner, The Salon at High Street - President, Lake County
Theatre Company (LCTC); Eye for excellent financial and creative management.
Barbara Morris - Co-Owner/Manager, Park Place Restaurant, Executive Advisor.
Taira St. John - Founder, Executive Director, Planner/Coordinator
Bob Sprouse - Creative Consultant,Website Designer, Webmaster, Computer Consultant with
Wanda Harris - Member of National Democratic Committee and Peacemaker!
Olga Steele - Consultant/Event Coordinator/Special Projects - Radio Show Host - Lake County Community Radio 88.1 fm; Lake County Political Campaign Manager
Kathy Wolden - Graphic Artist, Summer of Peace Logo, Marketing and Branding Consultant, Professional job well done!
Ed Robey - Software Database Management and Creation/Development - Generous retired public servant (former Lake County Supervisor)! Yay!
Jonathan Wadsworth - Freelance web developer/web designer from Lakeport, CA, specializing in developing cool apps with clean code for any size project, including the Lake County Summer of Peace Calendar. Job well done!
A much deserved Thank You All from the Peace Center Team!
Jill Compoy – Administrative and Home-Health Assistant IHSS and Theatrical Costume Construction -Worker par excellent on all areas of administration and production!
Nancy Griffin - Another psychotherapist (MFT), Bay Area School Counselor and dog lover rescuer! Computer Database Input and caring friend!
Liz Jackson – Administrative Assistant – LCTC Backstage/Theatrical Costume Construction Assistant. Indefatigable, competent and cheerful worker!
Judy Jones - Administrative Assistant - Former Editor of Key Club Newsletter;
former Treasurer of Business Association of Glenhaven and Clearlake Oaks - Dynamic Peace Worker! Where are the cans?
Donna Rae Stayman - Most Dedicated Peace Worker/Organizer of all time despite all challenges! Spiritual giant!
Frances and Francis Howland - Wonderful members of Transition Lake County (TLC) and lovers of peace with creative ideas and positive support!
Jaime Brown - Youth volunteer with talent!
Zenzeswa Manley - Enthusiastic peace worker with great ideas and referrals.
Nancy Griffin - Another psychotherapist (MFT), Bay Area School Counselor and dog lover rescuer! Computer Database Input and caring friend!
Liz Jackson – Administrative Assistant – LCTC Backstage/Theatrical Costume Construction Assistant. Indefatigable, competent and cheerful worker!
Judy Jones - Administrative Assistant - Former Editor of Key Club Newsletter;
former Treasurer of Business Association of Glenhaven and Clearlake Oaks - Dynamic Peace Worker! Where are the cans?
Donna Rae Stayman - Most Dedicated Peace Worker/Organizer of all time despite all challenges! Spiritual giant!
Frances and Francis Howland - Wonderful members of Transition Lake County (TLC) and lovers of peace with creative ideas and positive support!
Jaime Brown - Youth volunteer with talent!
Zenzeswa Manley - Enthusiastic peace worker with great ideas and referrals.